This is the power of the mighty headline.
You did a double take, didn't you?
In radio, the headline is the ad for the ad itself.
With better headlines, you'll get better results. Enjoy the naked white chick. :)
This blog will focus on how you can get measurable results using radio advertising.
This is the power of the mighty headline.
You did a double take, didn't you?
In radio, the headline is the ad for the ad itself.
With better headlines, you'll get better results. Enjoy the naked white chick. :)
Every piece of research shows those companies who either maintian or increase their advertising expenditures in an economic downturn not only capture more of the leads in the market now but advance their future market share.
I've written about this in previous blogs and will be happy to send anyone the quantified research from independent research firms if you need to see the independent documentation.
These principles are usable on both the national and local level.
Keep your head and don't let fear dominate you and you'll reap the rewards both now and in the future.
Most of you can say the Holiday Inn Express punch line: "No, but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night."
That's because Holiday Inn Express gets it.
Your brand is your business. How are people remembering you right now?
If your answer is nebulous, I can help.
Have you ever tried pushing a car?
If you ever studied physics, you'll remember that an object standing still remains that way unless an external force exerts itself on the object.
For example, this car needs all of your leg, back and arm muscles to get it to move off the dime.
But what happens once the car starts going? It picks up momentum, right? Once the car is rolling, you merely have to stand behind it and tap it to keep it moving.
You know starting an advertising campaign is alot like pushing a car.
At first it may seem very difficult. The calls may be slow going. The sales might be trailing the $$ you're pouring into a campaign. But have faith. Stick with it. If your message is right, it's only a matter of time before "your car" gets rolling.
We have a client who gets 50-60 new customers every month. It didn't start out that way, though. He had to exert some external pressure on the market to get his campaign to move off zero.
If you'd like to hear his story, I've got a 2-minute mp3 audio file I'll e mail to you FREE when you request it. Just drop me a note at
Remember with the right message, you can have RESULTS WITH RADIO!